I got some pretty terrible (not terrific) shots in Miami. The 50mm really didn't help with framing, so I got some lousy photos of some pretty awesome buildings. I just loved the Art Deco buildings. The Kent and Cavalier were two of my favorites. There were a lot of European tourists, and very few well dressed people. Tacky seemed to be the key word. We left around 9 and got to Miami around 10. We walked around Collins and Ocean avenues. I took lots of photos, tried to wait for cars to pass by so I could get decent shots, and ended up with the following halfway decent shots.

Record store, and possibly my favorite Miami shot.

This is not a parking meter.

Buick Special, aka one of the coolest cars ever.

Yes, you can have money and be trashy,
lots of people do it.

Afterwards, we went to Urban Outfitters where I finally found a cute everyday bag for all the stuff I carry every day (it will make an appearance in an upcoming post) and bought three rings that left green marks all over my fingers (yay, el cheapo UO rings!). I could not walk by Starbucks without getting my usual coffee frappuccino. No Starbucks where I live means I tend to compensate when I see them in other cities or countries. Then we made our way to Little Havana for lunch.
i want to do lunch in little havana!
Since you're not a vegetarian, you can go to La Carreta! I wouldn't recommend it to vegetarians. I think Versailles is a better choice, though, because the bakery has spinach empanadas so I'm assuming the restaurant does too. And also, how cool is it to say "I went to Versailles, in Little Havana"?
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