Monday, March 1, 2010

Tonight's migraine

I've had this mean old migraine tonight, and I'm doing everything I can to just not let it win. The only way I'm indulging it is by not doing any work. Getting severe migraines is an excuse to read in bed (I'm reading The White Album, Des). I'm drinking more water than I usually do, and that's saying something. I'm a constant hydrator. 

I'm even listening to music! Take that, migraine that always makes me want to scream when I hear musical notes that aren't 'Moments with Oliver' or 'Elephants (Instrumental)', both by Rachael Yamagata. 

I even said a big "f*** you" to tonight's migraine by eating a salad for dinner, which I never do when I get a migraine because color and flavor just don't agree with me then. I'm a big bread-and-scrambled-eggs fan during bouts of migraines, because they're white/yellow and that's a color I can stomach. I can't eat anything green or red, and any foods that have strong smells I just can't even think about. 

In all seriousness, I just wish someone would give me a heavy dose of medication right now because it just hurts so much.  


Listening to Nothing But the Whole Wide World - Jakob Dylan (on repeat)


PICOLA said...

ASPEGIC 1000, nothing else !! 30 minutes and it's all gone. I promise you (and you don't beleive me ... since april 2K9...)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you suffer from migraines. I'm sure it must be very painful, and I hope that you're feeling better.